Want a Wellness program your Employees will love?

Corporate Wellness Workforce Music Makers

How would you like to see music added to your company's wellness program?  Researchers have discovered a ton of benefits of playing a musical instrument.

  • REDUCES STRESS - Playing a musical instrument can reverse stress at the molecular level, according to studies conducted by Loma Linda University of Medicine

  • Reduces job burn-out

  • Improves mood

  • Reduces depression

  • Improves employee retention

  • Making music boosts brain language skills

  • Betters over-all health by increasing HGH (human growth hormone) in active aging adults

Research shows that we can't just passively listen to music to stimulate our brains.  We must get in there, grab an instrument and play, sing, bang or pluck to get the full benefits of music in our lives.

At Heritage Home Conservatory, we welcome the opportunity to discuss how easy this would be to offer your employees and/or their families a program tailored to your staff with no company cost. So, put down your screens and pick up those musical instruments.

For more information on how to incorporate our "corporate wellness" program into your company,

please call HHC 805-492-1676